I don’t know about you but when things get too serious, my brain freezes. That big important goal I’ve just set myself: way too scary. All those...
Category Results
What are you choosing for today?
I didn’t want to get up yesterday. It was grey and wet outside. And I was warm and sleepy in my bed. I was tired when I got up, when I got the kids...
Trust Yourself
For all those times when you bury yourself in research, in the hopes of feeling more confident. When you look to other people to make...
You can’t fight anything until you know what you’re fighting. So to celebrate Fight Procrastination Day (yes really!) here’s a chat I had with...
How to recover your post-holiday productivity mojo
September’s here, schools are starting back and dare I say, there’s a sniff of autumn in the air. Are you ready and raring to get back to work? Or...
Stressed by email? Time to take control
Email adds to stress. We all suspected it, now it’s ‘official’. A study at Loughborough University found that 83% of workers became more stressed...
Words to Keep YOU Going
If you read my last post, you'll know how passionate I am about words and how our language impacts our productivity. Which is why when one of my...
Countdown to Summer: How to Get from Panic to Productivity When Time’s Ticking
It’s half term AGAIN. After that, we’ll be on our final countdown - 7 weeks until the summer holidays. At least at our school it is. What about...
Taking a break? 7 Quick Tips to Switch Off and Recharge
With Easter coming up, there’s definitely a ‘quick, get stuff done’ feeling in the air today. Whether you’re taking a 4 day weekend off or a full...