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Fed up of trying to find time? Why Time Management Doesn’t Work – Reason #3

Personal Productivity

It’s amazing what you find when you’re trying to find more time. Here’s video 3 on Why Time Management Doesn’t Work.

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If you’re fed up of trying to ‘find time’ and want to get things done in the time that you do have, get your productivity guide here.


  1. Jenny Flintoft

    lol – wouldn’t it be lovely if WE could find more time under the sofa!!

    • Grace Marshall

      It WOULD! And the floor under my sofa would be so clean! Lol, thanks for stopping by to comment Jenny šŸ™‚

  2. Anonymous

    Love this! It’s what you DO with time that makes the difference. Thanks for the reminder, Grace. šŸ™‚

    • Grace Marshall

      Ā You’re welcome Erin! I’m looking forward to seeing what you create with your time šŸ™‚

  3. Be Positive Mom

    Gret video on the difference between finding time and being proactive with your time. And like Jenny noted below, too funny about finding time under the sofa! I’m afraid to look under mine šŸ™‚

    • Grace Marshall

      Ha I know what you mean! Thanks for your comment, I’m glad you enjoyed the video šŸ™‚


  1. Don’t forget to breathe | Grace Marshall Life and Business Coaching - [...] than trying to ‘find’ more time (incidentally it’s not under the sofa – there are lots of things under…
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I help people unlock how they do their best human work – especially in times of change and challenge.

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