A good friend recently reminded me to do something that scares you every day. At first I took it to mean do something different that scares you each day – nudging yourself out of your comfort zone whilst adding a spice of variety. But as it turns out, facing the same fear day in day out, is a sure fire way of overcoming that fear, or, in my friend’s case, being able return a spider to nature without fainting.
Funnily enough mine is to do with talking.
I have been tackling something that’s scared me for as long as I can remember – talking about God. I don’t mean in a preachy kind of way, but just being open about my faith. I remember an emotionally charged song I used to sing with such a mixture of conviction and yearning, "I’m not ashamed of the one I love", and that’s what I aspire to I guess, being able to talk openly, frankly and authentically about my faith in a way that just says ‘this is me’ without being intrusive, sermonising or fanatical. So, I’ve been facing my fear, with baby steps to begin with and I find myself slowly moving away from terrified to hesitant and uncomfortable, and I have been blessed with some wonderfully open and full on conversations along the way.
Coincidentally my coach has challenged me to do the same thing with talking about my coaching. I guess they say repetition is a good way to learn, although this one is different on many levels. So as I awkwardly try to articulate and convey the essence of something that many people have either no idea or a very different idea of what it is, I am sure the more I just talk about it, the more comfortable and eloquent I will become over time.
Besides, doing something that scares you is rarely as scary as the fear itself.
Hi Grace
I like the new look on your blog, pink – one of my favourites; and another gorgeous picture of Oliver.
By the way, I showed Dad some videoclips of Oliver from my camera, and he did the proud Grandad thing of holding it up to show people around.
I know I’m sometimes overly personal (as in not very open), but I will try to improve with you. I’m so very pleased that you found closeness to God again, I have been praying for you all over the years and will continue to.
I expect that you and Julie shall find a church to settle into and feel at home at: a place to grow and thrive.
🙂 love Yvonne