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4 Jun 2007 | Uncategorized

I’m on a quest for questions.

They say you learn something new everyday. Sometimes it just falls on your lap, sometimes you go looking for it. And this week I’m looking for questions, great questions that make you think and teach you something new. I read today, that powerful questions are like points on a compass, sending you off "not to a specific destination, but in a direction filled with possible discoveries and mysteries" (Laura Whitworth, Co-active Coaching).

Personally I like to think of questions as keys that open a door, and where the doors lead depends on the key used, a bit like the keys in the second Matrix film. And unless you’re the key maker you won’t know which keys lead where, so you might as well just try it and let curiosity guide you.

Which is why I’m just going to give it a go, try and find a question to ask everyday this week and hope that among the flat questions that lead nowhere particularly inspiring, I’ll find my way to one or two great questions. And if you feel so inclined, please do let me know what you think, where the questions lead for you.

So let’s start with an easy one.

What are you learning today?

Me, well so far today I’ve learnt that my son knows that a ringing phone needs to be answered, when he broke off mid-tantrum, picked up my phone, said Allooo, then opened the door to the kitchen shouting Muuum! then handed me the phone.

And I’m learning about not having answers, not being right, and just embracing curiosity.


  1. almosthonest

    These are good, positive thoughts for a Monday. I’m impressed! I shall follow your lead. Now, what would be a good thing to learn today? I mean, work-wise, I’m going to learn whether sticking to our schedule we have more or less chance than the proverbial snowball; but I don’t think that fits with the spirit of your idea. 🙂
    I know! I shall find out…how much a nice house in Westbury-upon-Trym would cost.

  2. Anonymous

    About learning
    A great question! Learning, in itself is all about being able and open to ask questions. To admit that you don’t know it all. To be aware of your knowledge & what you would like to learn, and what you can pass on by right now.
    What have I learnt today? From the quote I received this morning about positive emotions & thoughts, and how these quotes come just at a time when you are struggling to internalise one of these learnings for yourself and understand the difference between theory and between action & really understanding and doing it for yourself

Image if author Grace Marshall

About Grace

I help people unlock how they do their best human work – especially in times of change and challenge.

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