What if this is the new normal?

What if this is the new normal?

I don’t know about you but 2016 for me has been full of uncertainty, transition and plenty of ‘oh crikey’ and a few ‘WTF?!’ moments. It’s also been a year of huge achievement, success and excitement, don’t get me wrong, but as I come towards the end of the year, I...
5 Signs of a Strong Team

5 Signs of a Strong Team

“Strong teams pull together when the shit hits the fan, where others fall apart.” I shared this on social media a couple of weeks ago, after working with a particular team that really struck me with their team spirit. Like many teams I work with, they were...
Three words to banish new year panic

Three words to banish new year panic

That first day back. It’s so easy to get caught up in ‘have to’s. The hundreds of emails you have to wade through in your inbox. The couple of bits that got missed at the end of last year that you have to get off your desk. The brand spanking new plan you have to come...
Busy is the OLD normal

Busy is the OLD normal

How often do we answer the question “How’s it going?” with “Busy!” Busyness has become the norm. But it has also become strangely aspirational. As much as we complain about being busy, we’re also strangely resistant to being not...

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