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12 questions to start the new year

5 Jan 2015 | Clarity & Focus

How are you feeling about the year ahead? Are you ready and raring to go, with some big, hairy, scare-the-pants-off-you goals? Or are you still getting your bearings and wondering what day it is?

If it’s the latter, don’t worry about playing catch up. Just start now.

In truth, every time we stand at the threshold of something new – a new year, a new term, a new season – it gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect, to make a decision, reset our direction, reconfirm commitments and declare what matters to us.

Here are some of my favourite questions to set the tone.

Take your pick – let your eye settle on one or two questions that jump out at you, and take them away with you to ponder on.

1. What do you want to create this year?

2. What do you want to explore?

3. What do you want to make space for?

4. How do you want to grow?

5. What are you most looking forward to?

6. What are you least looking forward to?

7. What do you want to work on?

8. What do you want more of?

9. What do you want less of?

10. What seeds do you want to sow?

11. What fruit do you want to enjoy?

12. How do you want to show up this year?

Of course, every day is a threshold, an opportunity to start anew, so feel free to revisit these questions during the year – and let me know how you get on.

Do you have a favourite question you ask yourself at the beginning of the year? Speak your mind and share your thoughts in the comments below.


  1. Sarah Swanton

    brilliant!! This is just what I was looking for, but could not be bothered to go searching around the internet to find a list of questions that will get me really thinking about this year, then PING, an email arrives in my in box from you Grace that will do just the job, wonderful – thank you Grace! I have printed off and put ready to go with my beautiful new journal. Cannot wait to get started! X

    • Grace Marshall

      Glad to be of service Sarah! Enjoy 🙂

  2. Chelsea Louise Haden

    Hi Grace,

    I love these questions. I’m just siting with my mum now and we’e going through them. It helps to have these saved somewhere, so I’m bookmarking your post now – many thanks and happy new year!

    • Grace Marshall

      Oh how wonderful! Have fun with the questions – let me know how you get on 🙂

Image if author Grace Marshall

About Grace

I coach, train, write and speak on productivity. I help people adopt new ways of working and thinking about their work to replace stress, overwhelm and frustration with success, sanity and satisfaction.

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