Things to do with a problem – or an idea.
Open it up
Peel back the layers
Turn it around
Give it to someone
Take ownership
Swap it
Put it somewhere else
Chew on it
Turn it into a game
As inspired by Catherine, aged 1, with a book of stamps.
When you say “I can’t” what are you really saying? That you don’t know how? You don’t have the resources to? That you’re not sure you want to? That...
‘Eat That Frog’ - do the hard thing first - can be a great way of getting momentum going, beating procrastination and clearing that scary thing off...
Theodore Roosevelt said, "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could...
When you say “I can’t” what are you really saying? That you don’t know how? You don’t have the resources to? That you’re not sure you want to? That...
‘Eat That Frog’ - do the hard thing first - can be a great way of getting momentum going, beating procrastination and clearing that scary thing off...